2016 Open Show

of the
Griffon Bruxellois Club of Victoria Inc.
Open Show 2016
Sunday December 11th. 2016
Judge: Ms Diane Hobday
Best In Show
Statuesque Gabrielle
Runner Up Best in Show
Beauview Branch office (Imp UK)
Best Champion
Ch Griffonsburg Vespers Victory
Opposite Champion
Ch Griffonsburg Jefferson Davis
Best Baby Puppy
Statuesque Victorias Secret
Best Puppy
Azande Whos The Boss
Best Intermediate
Statuesque Gabrielle
Opposite Intermediate
Griffonsburg Fields of Shilo
Best Limit
Resamelad Hercules
Opposite Limit
Resamelad Arabella
Best Aust. Bred
Azande Fantastic Mr Fox
Opposite Aust. Bred
Kobired Cuckoo Crazy Desire
Best Open
Beauview Branch office (Imp UK)
Opposite Open
Resamelad Olympia
Best Neuter
Azande To The Manor Born
Best Veteran
Ch Kango Scarlet Pimpernel
Best Rough Head
Griffonsburg Fields Of Shilo
Best Smooth Head
Resmelad Olympia
Best Coated Smooth
Kobired Cuckoo Crazy Desire
Best Adult Gait
Azande Fantastic Mr Fox
Best Puppy Gait
Azande Whos The Boss
Best Topline & Tailset
Statuesque Gabrielle